3 Slimming Flaxseed Formula (Pineapple, Nopal, Grapefruit, Apple)
Linaza Adelgazante provides a natural combination of fibers helps promote weight loss, and supplies the daily requirement of fiber in the human diet.
Ingredients: omega variety golden flaxseed, apple, psyllium, grapefruit, nopal (prickly pear) cactus.
Traditional Use: fiber supplementation, omega 3 supplementation, weight loss promoter, mild bowel movement promoter.
The LINAZA ADELGAZANTE of LINOFLAX is a nutritional supplement that promotes weight loss and purifies the body. This product is made with finely ground Golden Canadian Flaxseed and other natural quality ingredients. The flaxseed is a true source of dietetic fiber and Essential Fatty Omega-3 acids that jointly help to lower the bad cholesterol, as well as triglycerides that stimulate the intestinal movement and maintain a healthy colon and digestive system.
Four powerful reasons the LINAZA ADELGAZANTE is effective for weight loss, and to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.
Reason #1 "The fatty acid Omega 3 contributes to weight loss at a cellular level" The long chain of polyunsaturated fats of Omega 3 can help weight loss allowing each one of the cells of the body to work in an optimal way. Each one of the cells is formed by polyunsaturated fats, therefore it is necessary to supplement itself with sufficient Omega 3 to maintain a natural balance. Tests recently published, demonstrate that the weight loss was greater in a diet restricted by calorie intake where small amounts of rich oils in Omega 3 (as the one found in the flaxseed) and the fish that was added to the diet, when compared to the same diet with olive oil instead of the rich oils found in Omega 3.
Reason #2 "Aids in appetite suppression" After being consumed the soluble dietetic fiber that is found in the Linaza Adelgazante expands in the stomach giving a sensation of satisfaction or fullness and not being hungry, which helps in the fight against being overweight and obesity.
Reason #3 “The high fiber content helps to diminish the cholesterol level” What distinguishes the flaxseed from other whole grains is its fiber mixture. The fiber of the flaxseed is as much soluble fiber as insoluble. It has been known for some time that soluble fiber has positive effects that lower cholesterol. The authorities in the health field recommend approximately 30 grams of fiber per day. Most Americans consume less than 15 grams of fiber per day. There are 6 grams of fiber in only an eighth of a cup of ground flaxseed, the same amount that you would get from a cup of cooked oats. Ground flaxseed in the diet achieves the daily requirements for fiber consumption.
Reason #4 “The high content of Omega 3 in the Linaza Adelgazante helps to diminish bad triglycerides” Omega 3 is a rich unsaturated fatty acid. Studies show that a diet which includes Omega 3 can help to lower the level of triglycerides in the blood, and to increase the
level of HDL cholesterol (the GOOD cholesterol). The fatty acids in Omega 3 also can act like and anticoagulant to prevent the coagulation of the blood. Several studies also suggest these fatty acids can help to lower hypertension.
Golden Canadian Flaxseed Omega Variety:
The flaxseed is an excellent source of nutrients which include the essential fatty acids Omega 3 (they are essential because our body requires them). One great benefit of these fatty acids is it helps to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system, regulating the bad cholesterol levels and reducing the blood viscosity. Omega 3 also can act on a metabolic level burning saturated fat.
The flaxseed contains lignants which are a type of Sitochemical (a substance found in plants), FITOESTROGENO (a chemical of vegetable origin that simulate some functions of human hormones) which can have positive effects on your health. Also, they have antioxidant properties that fight the free radicals that cause the deterioration of the cells.
The flaxseed contains a high amount of dietetic fiber which produces mucilagos (gomosas substances) that benefit the digestive system allowing one complete evacuation, cleaning the body of impurities.
Several investigators of Rio de Janeiro State University, who studied the impact of the consumption of fruit in the weight loss effort, related that some overweight women that ate only 300 grams of apples or pears (equivalent to 3 small fruits per day) lost more weight in a low calorie diet than women who did not add fruit to their low calorie diet. In addition, those that ate fruit consumed fewer calories in general, increasing their weight loss ability.
The results of the studies of Dr. Maria Conceicao de Oliveira and her colleagues indicated that overweight women and high cholesterol experienced positive important changes in their metabolism by adding fruits like apples in their diets.
With its high fiber content and low glycemic load, the Grapefruit could be the best weapon against being overweight. Studies indicate that dieters would achieve more success if they ingested meals with whole citrus fruits that help to suppress the appetite and avoid overeating instead of some of the present fashion diets.
Studies have also demonstrated that a person can ingest great amounts of food without consuming many calories when choosing meals high in fiber and water. Those meals include: whole fruits, vegetables, grains, and some soups. For example, the orange and grapefruit are categorized as number one and two in studies that give evidence that these two provide a sensation of fullness and maintain stable blood sugar levels, which gives better appetite control.
Prickly Pear Cactus:
Recent studies suggest Prickly Pear is an important weapon against a large variety of health conditions. It has been discovered that the cactus is beneficial to reduce blood sugar levels, weight loss, to diminish cholesterol levels and to fight gastrointestinal problems such as constipation. A fibrous plant, the Prickly Pear Cactus is rich in soluble and insoluble fiber. The fiber attributes to the health benefits of the cactus.
The soluble fiber helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Some components of this soluble fiber are mucilagos, goma and it is believed that this is the major reason the cactus is so effective in controlling blood sugar levels.
The rind of the seeds of Psyllium (plántago ovata) is an excellent calorie free soluble fiber source (eight times better than oat bran) that helps to maintain and regulate intestinal functions and this contributes to normal levels of sugar and cholesterol. The psyllium is cultivated in northwest India and it has been used in ayuvérdica medicine for thousands of years. The rind of the psyllium seeds are composed almost exclusively of hemicelulous that acts in the intestine as a sponge, gives consistency to fecal matter, stimulates the digestion process and facilitates the intestinal transit. Its action is purely mechanical and the organism does not assimilate it. This makes it possible to use it as a laxative without risk of dependency or toxicity.
Advantages of our products
Made with 100% Golden Canadian Flaxseed of the Omega variety
High contents of Omega 3 and lignants with antioxidant properties
Packed in a standup zip pouch that conserves freshness for up to 18 months under appropriate storage conditions
Made with select, natural and fresh ingredients of high quality
Easy to ingest: pleasant flavor, texture and aroma
General Use:
The suggested way to take the flaxseed products from LINOFLAX is one to two tablespoons twice daily. This can be combined with water, liquified yogurts or any type of drink that is healthy. These products can also be added to foods consumed daily to heighten their nutritious value like breads, cakes, salads, fruits etc.
Use to lose weight:
In order to lose weight we suggest you consume one to two spoonfuls dissolved in a healthy drink around 15 minutes before a meal, preferably lunch and dinner. The aim is to try to suppress the appetite a little and to cause a sensation of being full. It also allows your body to absorb the nutrients of this product (the fatty acids of Omega 3) and to prepare the digestive apparatus to eliminate toxins and wastes.
Measures of precaution:
People prone to intestinal obstruction:
Like with any source of the fiber, the flaxseed should not be taken if there is a possible intestinal obstruction. People who suffer from scleroderma (sistémica sclerosis) would have to consult a doctor before using the flaxseed. Although a gradual introduction of fiber into the diet can improve symptoms of intestinal problems in some cases, some people with scleroderma have developed severe constipation and obstruction after supplementing fiber into the diet.